Requesting a reduction of the monthly repayment for the civic integration loan
Have you borrowed money from the government to pay for the civic integration course or exam? Are you having problems repaying the loan? For instance, because you have lost your job? It may be possible for you to reduce your monthly payments. This will depend on your income.
Last updated on 1 January 2022
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
Applying for reduction of the monthly repayment amount
You can ask Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) to reduce your monthly repayment amount.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Wet inburgering 2021, artikel 21
Besluit inburgering 2021, artikelen 6.10 t/m 6.12
Regeling inburgering 2021, hoofdstuk 6, afdeling 2