Consulting the Central Register of Wills
If someone in your family has passed away and you are not sure if the deceased has left a will, you can consult the Central Register of Wills (Centraal Testamentenregister, CTR). The CTR will show whether the deceased made a will and the name of the notary who executed the will. The register does not contain information regarding the heirs or the amount of the inheritance.
Last updated on 19 May 2021
Submitting a request to the Central Register of Wills
You must submit your request in writing to the CTR (in Dutch). You can use the Request for information form (PDF, 85 kB) (in Dutch). You must enclose a copy of the extract from the death register together with your request. Consulting the register is free of charge.
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Law on the central register of wills