La Tulipe des droits de l'homme est un prix instauré par le gouvernement des Pays-Bas pour récompenser le courage et l'action de ...
Publication | 22-06-2020
The Human Rights Tulip is an award presented by the Dutch government for courageous human rights defenders who promote and ...
El Tulipán de los Derechos Humanos es un premio que concede el Gobierno de los Países Bajos a los defensores de los derechos ...
International human rights policy: activities and results.
Report | 16-06-2020
The National Human Rights Action Plan 2020 describes how the government wants to protect and promote human rights in the ...
Publication | 31-05-2020
The aim of this mid-term review was to assess the progress of the Leading from the South program (2017-2020) and to provide ...
Report | 18-05-2020
The report on the Netherlands’ worldwide human rights efforts in 2018 and the results achieved.
Report | 22-10-2019
Publication | 18-10-2019
Document with questions-and-answers (Q&As) about the Grant Policy Framework of the Human Rights Fund 2019-2021.
Publication | 03-09-2019
Questionnaire to update an Organisational Risk and Integrity Assessment (ORIA). This information can be used in relation to the ...
Publication | 29-03-2019