Preventing honour-based violence

Honour-based violence takes many different forms, including threats, abuse and forced suicide. The Dutch government is committed to preventing all forms of honour-based violence, for example by training social workers to recognise the signs before it happens. Anyone who commits crimes of this kind is prosecuted.

Training professionals to recognise the signs

Police officers, youth welfare workers and other public service professionals do not always recognise honour-based violence. And even when they do, they may not know how to respond. The problem may appear to be domestic violence or child abuse, and the honour motive may not be apparent until a later stage.

There are various tools to help professionals identify honour-based violence, such as a list of the most common signs. They can also use tools available through the website (in Dutch only). This website publishes guidelines and information for anyone who encounters honour-based violence.

The Protocol for reporting honour-based violence (in Dutch only) describes what professionals should do if they suspect or witness this kind of violence.

Honour-based violence is a punishable offence

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) has issued instructions on domestic violence and honour-based violence. These instructions explain what types of behaviour are considered to be threats of honour-based violence or actual honour-based violence, and therefore punishable offences under criminal law. A national standard has been agreed for early detection and handling of such cases by the police.