Stopping your ex-partner from using your surname after divorce or ending of civil partnership

Do you want to stop your ex-partner from using your last name after your divorce or ending your civil partnership? In some cases, this can be arranged by law. For example, if your ex-partner enters into a new marriage or civil partnership.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Applying to the district court to prevent your ex-partner from using your surname

Does your ex-partner want to marry again or form a new civil partnership? Do you not have any children together? Then you can apply to the district court to prevent your ex-partner from using your surname. Your application will only be granted if the district court finds there is good reason for it.

Stopping your ex-partner from using your last name is not possible if you have children together

Is your ex-partner using your last name and do you have 1 or more children together? Were these children born during your marriage or civil partnership or did your ex-partner acknowledge these children? Then your ex-partner has the right to keep your last name. The district court cannot take this right away from your ex-partner. Your ex-partner must be able to continue using the same name as that of his or her children.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Burgerlijk Wetboek Boek 1, artikel 9