Slavery Memorial Year

The history of slavery is a painful and important part of our shared history that, until recently, has received too little attention. Slavery Memorial Year, from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, highlighted that history throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Slavery abolished 150 years ago

On 1 July 1863, slavery was abolished by law in Suriname and the Caribbean islands, which at that time were colonies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Many enslaved people were forced to continue working on the plantations for another 10 years under state supervision to limit the ‘loss caused by this measure’ to the plantation owners. So, for many people in the Kingdom, slavery did not actually end until 1 July 1873. As of 1 July 2023, that was 150 years ago.

From 1858 until long after 1873, people from Asia were also forced to perform hard labour in Suriname under Dutch colonial rule.

Throughout the Memorial Year the Kingdom reflected on this painful history and how it continues to play a role in the lives of people today. 

While the Memorial Year ends on 1 July 2024, we will not stop remembering and focusing attention on the history of slavery and its repercussions. Through annual commemorations, recurring activities and new policies, we will continue to reflect on this important part of our history.

Memorial Year: grants for activities

Grants were available to anyone in the Kingdom who wished to organise an activity during the Memorial Year. Grant applications were considered by the Cultural Participation Fund assessment committee. This committee is knowledgeable about the history of slavery and the communities affected. The fund, which provided financing for more than 200 initiatives, is now closed.

The grant scheme focused on initiatives for activities in which participants were actively involved. To qualify for funding, the activities also needed to:

  • draw attention to aspects of history and slavery;
  • create educational material;
  • promote healing processes; or
  • establish partnerships among institutions, nationally and internationally. 

The Mondriaan Fund funded a number of initiatives.

The Cultural Participation Fund also approved a number of grant applications.

Start and conclusion of the Memorial Year

Slavery Memorial Year began on Saturday 1 July 2023, Slavery Remembrance Day. The National Institute for the Study of Dutch Slavery and its Legacy (Nationaal Instituut Nederlands Slavernijverleden en Erfenis, NiNsee) organised the ceremony marking the day. In his speech at the ceremony in Amsterdam, King Willem-Alexander apologised for the Netherlands’ role in the history of slavery. Slavery Memorial Year concluded on Slavery Remembrance Day 2024.

Commemorations, celebrations and other initiatives

Activities and events took place throughout the Kingdom during Slavery Memorial Year. The aim of the commemorative year was to focus attention on and raise awareness of the history of slavery.

An overview of activities is available on the NiNsee website.

Municipalities focused on history of slavery

Many municipalities focused attention on the history of slavery. More information can be found on their websites: