Documents - Development

173 documents on Development

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  1. Dutch efforts in the Sahel (English)

    The Sahel is one of the Dutch focus regions for development cooperation. This leaflet summarizes why, where and how The ...

    Leaflet | 18-11-2020

  2. Evaluation Finale du Programme Renforcement Chaines de Valeurs Oignon/Échalote Poisson/Pisciculture Mali

    This report evaluates the "Jege ni Jaba" programme in Mali. This report is in French. Ce rapport concerne les résultats de ...

    Report | 14-10-2020

  3. Speech by Director-General for International Cooperation at Global Education Forum Meeting

    Speech by Kitty van der Heijden, Director-General for International Cooperation, at the Global Education Forum Meeting, 10 ...

    Speech | 05-10-2020

  4. Capacity Building for operations of Secondary Urban Water Systems and Urban Sanitation Systems under the mandate of AIAS, Phase II

    The report presents the outcomes of the end evaluation of the programme known as PO35- AIAS phase II. This programme is being ...

    Report | 01-09-2020

  5. Study Report DSO Strategy Reproductive Health Commodities

    The main challenge in supply chain management for reproductive health commodities (RHCs) is related to last mile distribution. ...

    Report | 31-07-2020

  6. Assessment of the impact of the PIP approach on farmers’ motivation, resilience and stewardship in Burundi

    This report assesses the impact of PIP, an approach used by the PAPAB project in Burundi. PIP (Plan Intégré Paysan) enables ...

    Report | 31-07-2020

  7. Evaluation finale du projet PAPAB - Projet d’appui à la Productivité Agricole au Burundi

    PAPAB was a 5 year bilateral rural development project implemented in Burundi. It supported small farmers, enabling them to ...

    Report | 31-07-2020

  8. Mid-term review of the addressing root causes (ARC) programme 2016-2021

    This report presents the findings of the independent external mid-term review of the Addressing Root Causes (ARC) Programme (2016 ...

    Report | 09-07-2020

  9. Evaluation Agriterra Farmers Common Sense in Business Programme 2016-2020

    Independent evaluation of the Farmers Common Sense in Business (FCSB) programme, implemented by Agriterra. This evaluation covers ...

    Report | 03-07-2020

  10. Evaluation of projects co-financed by the Sustainable Water Fund, FDW

    The synthesis report concludes that the projects score moderate to satisfactory on the contribution to poverty alleviation and ...

    Report | 01-07-2020