Documents - Development

173 documents on Development

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  1. Theory of Change - Private Sector Development (English, October 2022)

    This Theory of Change focuses on private sector development. It describes challenges in this field of work, the context in which ...

    Publication | 28-11-2022

  2. End evaluation of the MFA-NL-supported NCEA programme 2017-2022

    The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) is an independent advisory body to improve (Strategic) ...

    Report | 31-10-2022

  3. Mid term Review of the IWRM Programme

    The mid term review was commissioned by EKN Maputo and it was meant to provide insight to the results achieved by the IWRM ...

    Report | 13-10-2022

  4. Policy Document for Foreign Trade and Development: Do what we do best

    In the coming years, the Netherlands will invest more in the combination of foreign trade and development cooperation. This is ...

    Policy note | 10-10-2022

  5. G50s and the UMVA platform: Mid-term evaluation of the AUXFIN Burundi programme

    This report presents the findings of a mid-term evaluation conducted by an external consultant contracted by the project. It ...

    Report | 19-08-2022

  6. Policy Framework Fund Combatting Sexual Exploitation of Children

    On 15 July 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the Fund Combating Sexual Exploitation ...

    Publication | 15-07-2022

  7. Evaluation à mi-parcours Projet de Renforcement de la Securité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (PRSAN) au Burundi (2019-2022)

    Le Projet de Renforcement de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (PRSAN) mis en œuvre par le Programme Alimentaire Mondial ...

    Report | 30-06-2022

  8. Evaluation finale Projet Benin Business (BeniBiz)

    This report is the final evaluation of the Benibiz project (2017-2022), financed by MFA and SDC and implemented by TechnoServe ...

    Report | 30-06-2022

  9. PSI-Programme Social Markentig of Public Health Commodities in Mozambique (2016 - 2021) – Evaluation

    The Social Market for Health was a six years project from December 2016 to December 2022 implemented by PSI . The national goals ...

    Report | 27-06-2022

  10. First Phase Review of the Netherlands Food Partnership: how big is your world?

    The first phase evaluation of the Neth. Food Partnership, after 1,5 years of operation, confirms a solid ToC of which the ...

    Report | 27-06-2022