Documents - Development

182 documents on Development

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  1. Policy letter on International development

    Minister Klever (Foreign Trade and Development) informs the House of Representatives about the commitment to serving Dutch ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 21-02-2025

  2. Evaluation of the project 'Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Programme: Building food system resilience in protracted crises'

    This evaluation provides a final assessment of the project that sought to address the relationship between conflict and food ...

    Report | 28-11-2024

  3. Final Project Evaluation of the Horticulture Market Acceleration Program (HortiMAP)

    This final evaluation report presents the progress, results, and lessons learnt during the implementation of a 4-year ...

    Report | 15-11-2024

  4. Final Report of Endline Evaluation of BLU 2 Jackfruit Value Chain Project

    The BLU 2 program focused on the jackfruit value chain to connect local producers to international markets and create business ...

    Report | 25-10-2024

  5. Mid Term Evaluation Building Prospects and Access to Energy Fund (2019-2023)

    This report presents the findings of a mid-term evaluation of two revolving funds managed by FMO, Building Prospects and Access ...

    Report | 30-09-2024

  6. Estimating the GHG impacts of Dutch international climate finance efforts

    The aim of this report is to estimate the mitigation impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that can be attributed to Dutch ...

    Report | 09-09-2024

  7. Evaluation of Young Experts Programme Phase II

    This report evaluates the second phase of the Young Expert Programmes (YEP). YEP started 1 January 2013 and its second phase has ...

    Report | 02-09-2024

  8. Evaluation of the AGRI3 Fund - 2020-2022

    This evaluation aims to facilitate learning about the AGRI3 Fund. It assesses AGRI3's impact, effectiveness, additionality, ...

    Report | 24-06-2024

  9. How can I help victims of conflicts or natural disasters in other countries?

    The best way to help people in need is by donating to professional aid agencies that are active in the affected area. Your ...

    Question and answer

  10. Final evaluation of the SDG16+portfolio: Supporting peace by promoting a peaceful, just, and inclusive society in Tunisia

    This document presents the main findings of an evaluation conducted to review the portfolio of projects ‘Supporting peace by ...

    Report | 03-04-2024