How can I help victims of conflicts or natural disasters in other countries?

The best way to help people in need is by donating to professional aid agencies that are active in the affected area. Your support will enable them to help more people. 

Donating money

All around the world, people affected by wars, natural disasters and other crises need help. Giving money to aid organisations is the best way to help them. These organisations are active where their help is most needed. Your donation will help them provide assistance to more people in the form of shelter, food, clean drinking water and medical and psychosocial care.

Aid organisations

Various types of organisations accept donations. You can donate to:

  • a fundraising appeal launched in response to a specific crisis and disaster, such as a Giro555 appeal.
  • a recognised aid organisation in the Netherlands, for example:
    • the Red Cross;
    • Artsen zonder Grenzen (Doctors Without Borders);
    • the 11 members of the Dutch aid agencies coalition behind Giro555;
    • the organisations that make up the Christian Emergency Aid Cluster (Christelijk Noodhulpcluster);
    • Islamic Relief Netherlands.

Collecting goods

Before collecting goods such as clothing, blankets or food to donate to victims of a natural disaster, war or epidemic, start by contacting an aid organisation that is active in the affected area. Collecting and sending goods yourself is not the most effective way to help people.

Aid organisations send supplies where they are needed

Professional aid organisations know just what people need and whether your goods will be useful. It’s often more practical for an organisation to buy goods in the country itself or in a neighbouring country, or to give victims money so they can buy items themselves. This helps keep transport costs down and supports the local economy. 

Donating goods in the Netherlands

You can also contact foundations and programmes in the Netherlands that collect goods for charities. They can sell the goods and use the money to help people in need.