Help for people with post-COVID condition

Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing a lot of problems with your health in the months after having had COVID-19. The doctor will talk to you about the possibility of getting extra medical tests or care. If you have experienced health problems for more than 3 months, you may have post-COVID condition. 

Getting help if you have post-COVID condition

Various organisations offer help to people suffering from post-COVID condition. You can contact the organisation that offers the help that best meets your needs.

  • C-support (in Dutch): this aftercare organisation supports and advises individual patients. It also offers guidance on dealing with physical or mental health problems or problems relating to work and income.
  • PostCovid NL (in Dutch): a patient organisation that gives advice on the recovery process and that enables sufferers to share their experiences and get in touch with each other.
  • Longcovidnederland (in Dutch): a patient advocacy group where sufferers can support each other and share their experiences. The group also shares scientific knowledge about post-COVID condition. It is part of Long COVID Europe

Lived experience

The symptoms and impact of post-COVID condition are different for each person. On the C-support (in Dutch) and PostCovid NL (in Dutch) websites, patients share their stories and how the prolonged health problems have affected their lives (in Dutch).