Documents - Coronavirus Covid-19

63 documents on Coronavirus Covid-19

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  1. Information about coronavirus jab and pregnancy (translations)

    In these leaflets you will read more about the coronavirus jab and pregnancy. If you’re pregnant, it is safe for you to have the ...

    Leaflet | 17-05-2021

  2. Information about your choice to get the coronavirus jab: yes or no? (translations)

    Leaflets about the choice you have to get the coronavirus jab: yes or no?

    Leaflet | 17-05-2021

  3. Declaration of exemption from COVID-19 entry ban for visiting your child as a divorced parent

    Form | 14-05-2021

  4. Declaration of exemption from COVID-19 entry ban for visiting a seriously ill family member

    Form | 14-05-2021

  5. Invitation letter for COVID-19 vaccination (translations in English, Arabic, Polish, Tigrinya, Bulgarian, Romanian and Spanish)

    In 2021 everyone aged 18 and over in the Netherlands will be invited to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is the invitation ...

    Letter | 12-05-2021

  6. It's important to get vaccinated (translations)

    It is important for everyone aged 18 and over in the Netherlands to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is general information ...

    Leaflet | 12-05-2021

  7. Information about the health screening form for coronavirus vaccinations (translations)

    Before you go to the vaccination centre, you must fill in a health screening form (in Dutch: gezondheidsverklaring). On the form ...

    Publication | 03-05-2021

  8. Procedure to obtain exemption for rapid antigen test for use as self-test

    Manufacturers and distributors of rapid antigen test kits can apply for a temporary exemption to market their product as a ...

    Publication | 05-03-2021

  9. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 in the Netherlands (translations)

    In 2021 everyone aged 18 and over in the Netherlands will be invited to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is general ...

    Leaflet | 02-02-2021

  10. Members Media Freedom Coalition express strong concerns about recent sentencing of Zhang Zhan for reporting on Covid-19 in Wuhan

    "The undersigned members of the Media Freedom Coalition express their strong concerns about the recent sentencing of Zhang Zhan ...

    Diplomatic statement | 25-01-2021