
Sustainable economic development is not possible without a properly functioning and accesible infrastructure. The Netherlands helps finance and build public works like ports, irrigation systems, coastal defences and a reliable energy supply. And we help local authorities build the capacity to plan infrastructure projects and put them out to tender.

Good infrastructure is vital for the functioning of an economy. Passable roads increase food producers’ access to local markets. Water purification is important for developing small and mediumsized industrial manufacturers. Exports of local products and imports of raw materials depend on accessible seaports and airports. And a constant, adequate energy supply is a prerequisite for the success of companies, large and small. Infrastructure investment can boost economic growth by 2.5 percentage points.

However, demand for infrastructure far outstrips the financial resources available. A lack of investment worthy projects also hampers the construction of good, accessible infrastructure. Many developing countries do not have the institutional capacity and resources to develop projects, and political risks also often deter potential investors.

The Netherlands is keen to promote a good business climate in low and middle-income countries, and therefore helps develop their public and private infrastructure through bilateral and multilateral programmes, grants, revolving funds and technical assistance.


The Netherlands supports various programmes to finance and build good infrastructure in developing countries like DRIVE, Develop2Build and the Infrastructure Development Fund. The movie shows how the Netherlands supports the development of infrastructure in developing economies.

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More information

For more information, download our complete factsheet: The road to sustainable economic growth - Infrastructure.

Do you have questions or would you like to have some more information? Contact the Sustainable Economic Development Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.