Applying for an educational support for young people with a disability

Are you disabled and under the age of 30? You can apply for support that will make it easier for you to attend education. Such as a taxi allowance, assistance by a communication support worker or adjusted software.

Last updated on 13 September 2024

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Applying for support

You can apply for the following forms of support at UWV (Employee Insurance Agency):

  • tools such as reading software or a special mouse;
  • compensation for transport, such as for a wheelchair van;
  • personal support, such as an interpreter.

You can read more about applying for support on, including on what the conditions are.

Pupil transport (in Dutch) for pupils in primary and secondary education can be requested from the municipality.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet overige OCW-subsidies, artikel 19a

Uitvoeringsbesluit onderwijsvoorzieningen voor jongeren met een handicap

Regeling onderwijsvoorzieningen voor jongeren met een handicap

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