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  1. The Netherlands on promoting and protecting human rights: activities and results 2019

    Information about the activities the Netherlands has set out to promote and protect human rights worldwilde, and the results of ...

    Publication | 30-06-2020

  2. Annexe 4 Country Strategies

    Annexe 4 Country Strategies.

    Publication | 23-03-2020

  3. Peter Ventevogel, Senior Mental Health Officer at UNHCR

    Video | 17-12-2019

  4. List of signatories to the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2016-2019

    List of organisations that signed the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2016-2019 before May 15th 2016.

    Publication | 15-05-2016

  5. Third countries whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals who are subject to prior consultation

    Regulation | 08-09-2015

  6. State lodges appeal in cassation against judgment on distribution of F-35 parts to Israel

    The State is lodging an appeal in cassation to the Dutch Supreme Court against the judgment of The Hague Court of Appeal on the ...

    News item | 12-02-2024 | 14:30

  7. Joint Statement from the Governments of Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, and the United States

    Recognizing the broad consensus as expressed by 44 countries around the world on December 19, 2023, as well as the statement by ...

    Diplomatic statement | 12-01-2024

  8. Human rights under pressure globally in 2020 due to coronavirus pandemic

    The Human Rights Report 2020 gives a detailed account of the results of Dutch human rights policy.

    News item | 27-10-2021 | 10:00

  9. Changes to government policy on general transit licences NL007 and NL008

    In October 2019 the Dutch government tightened its arms export policy with regard to Turkey. This policy decision follows on from ...

    Publication | 29-10-2020

  10. Third countries for whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals "ex post" information is required

    Regulation | 08-09-2015