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  1. Aiming for a balanced internationalisation of universities and universities of applied sciences

    Retaining the benefits of internationalisation and  achieving balance. That is the core aim of the Balanced Internationalisation ...

    News item | 13-05-2024 | 16:59

  2. Dutch aid for Ukraine

    The Netherlands is supporting Ukraine by providing emergency aid funds, medicines and aid supplies.

  3. Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID)

    Some people continue to experience health problems long after a coronavirus infection (COVID-19). When these problems persist for ...

  4. The Dutch approach to clearing landmines

    Landmines and cluster bombs are often left behind in war zones. This threatens the safety of the people who live there. More than ...

  5. Safe and Sustainable Design - criteria applied in SMEs

    This report describes the results of a case study research into the use of criteria for safe and sustainable innovation in ...

    Report | 02-05-2024

  6. Mid-Term Evaluation of Mine Action and Cluster Munitions Programme II

    Publication | 01-05-2024

  7. A Prototype for a Carbon Tracking System

    In a time where governments design and implement various policies to reduce fossil carbon flows, tracking these flows is becoming ...

    Report | 29-04-2024

  8. Applying for child benefit

    If you are living or working in the Netherlands and have children under the age of 18, you may be eligible to receive child ...

  9. Bill for better protection against human trafficking to House of Representatives

    The legislation criminalising human trafficking is to be expanded and simplified to help detect and prosecute offenders of human ...

    News item | 19-04-2024 | 13:37

  10. Political Declaration on Sustaining a Feminist Approach to Foreign Policy

    Political declaration on sustaining a feminist approach to foreign policy, signed on the 17th of April 2024 during the state ...

    Diplomatic statement | 18-04-2024