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  1. Minimum wage amounts

    From 1 January 2024 the minimum wage is fixed per hour. The statutory minimum wage is the amount payable per hour before tax. ...

  2. Income-related combination tax credit

    Working parents with young children can claim the income-related combination tax credit . For more information see


  3. Is cooperation taking place with the Red Cross?

    The ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, together with the ministry of Defence is working together with the Red Cross ...

    Question and answer

  4. Am I allowed to work as a prostitute in the Netherlands?

    You may work as a prostitute in the Netherlands if you are over the age of 18. You must also satisfy a number of conditions, ...

    Question and answer

  5. Circular economy

    The government is working with industry, civil-society organisations, knowledge institutions and other authorities to achieve a ...


  6. What travel documents do posted foreign workers need?

    Foreign citizens working temporarily in the Netherlands must have a valid travel document.

    Question and answer

  7. Mobility, public transport and road safety

    The Dutch are always on the move for their work as well as in their leisure time. The government is looking at new technologies ...


  8. Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)

    If your company does business abroad, the Dutch government expects you to be socially responsible. This means you should take ...


  9. Foreign companies’ duty to report

    Companies from other countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland must notify the Dutch authorities when ...

  10. Human trafficking and people smuggling

    Human trafficking is transporting or selling human beings by force, often for the purpose of sexual or labour exploitation. ...
