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  1. International Youth Day: ‘Young people are the drivers of change’

    August 12th is International Youth Day. By 2050, half of all young people worldwide will be living in Africa. And more than half ...

    Blog post | 11-08-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2. Niger evacuation: interview with Ambassador Paul Tholen in Niamey

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ensured that Dutch nationals could leave Niger on French evacuation flights after a coup occurred ...

    News item | 04-08-2023 | 12:19

  3. Q&A's grant policy framework migration and displacement 2023 - 2028

    Questions and answers on the Grant Policy Framework Migration and Displacement 2023-2028. (Last update 29 August 2023 - Q&A's 107 ...

    Question and answer

  4. Belgium and the Netherlands: good neighbours, loyal friends and solid trading partners

    As trading partners and historical and political allies, the Netherlands and Belgium are more than just good neighbours. This ...

    Blog post | 22-06-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  5. Summaries of international organisations' scorecards updated in 2022

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses 'scorecards' to check if international organisations function well and if their work is ...

    Report | 29-11-2022

  6. Sweden and the Netherlands: innovating together

    ‘Sweden and the Netherlands are both innovative countries,’ says Bengt van Loosdrecht, Dutch ambassador to Sweden. Innovation – ...

    Blog post | 13-10-2022 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  7. Coalition of European countries fighting organised crime

    The coalition of European countries fighting serious and organised crime is being strengthened. The move was agreed today in ...

    News item | 07-10-2022 | 15:30

  8. Dutch expertise on EV charging goes to California

    Charging electric cars needs to become easier, safer and smarter. Dutch environment minister Vivianne Heijnen and Yana Garcia ...

    News item | 06-09-2022 | 20:30

  9. Statement by Minister for the Environment Vivianne Heijnen at the Environmental Policy Committee (EPOC/OECD), 30 March 2022, Paris, France

    ‘We’re all facing many of the same challenges. We’re all longing for real-life encounters, to leave the hard part of COVID behind ...

    Speech | 31-03-2022

  10. 3 steps to reopen the Netherlands

    COVID-19 infection rates are high, and many people are self-isolating or self-quarantining at home. But despite the high number ...

    News item | 15-02-2022 | 19:10