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  1. Duty to notify under the Employment Conditions (Posted Workers in the European Union) Act: Dutch companies contracting a foreign business

    Are you planning to contract a business or self-employed person from a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) or ...

  2. Duty to notify under the Employment Conditions (Posted Workers in the European Union) Act: Foreign nationals working in the Netherlands temporarily

    If you live and work in one of the countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and will be coming to work in ...

  3. Duty to notify under the Employment Conditions (Posted Workers in the European Union) Act: Foreign employers and self-employed persons with a temporary assignment in the Netherlands

    If you are a self-employed person or an employer from another country within the European Economic Area (EEA) or from Switzerland ...

  4. Equal treatment for EU migrant workers and their families

    Workers from the European Union and their families are entitled to equal treatment in the Netherlands, as laid down in the Dutch ...

  5. I am a foreign employer. How do I provide notification of the arrival of foreign workers?

    As a foreign employer, you must provide notification of work to be performed and of the arrival of employees coming to the ...

    Question and answer

  6. As a self-employed person working in the Netherlands, when do I need to provide notification?

    Foreign workers’ duty to notify only applies to self-employed people working in certain designated sectors.

    Question and answer

  7. As a foreign self-employed person, can I work in the Netherlands?

    You can work in the Netherlands as a self-employed person under certain conditions.

    Question and answer

  8. Summary Dutch Global Health Strategy 2023-2030

    Read the Dutch Global Health Strategy 2023-2030 here.

    Publication | 21-10-2022

  9. Human Rights Tulip 2022: this is the shortlist

    Each year the Ministry of Foreign Affairs awards a human rights defender somewhere in the world a prize: the Human Rights Tulip. ...

    News item | 21-10-2022 | 09:27

  10. Memorandum of Understanding between Spain and the Netherlands on political consultations

    Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Spain and the Netherlands. Signed in The Hague on the 20th of October 2022 by Minister ...

    Diplomatic statement | 20-10-2022