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  1. Dutch humanitarian activities and aid: Afghanistan

    The Netherlands is monitoring the situation in Afghanistan as far as possible, in close collaboration with civil society ...

    Blog post | 17-01-2022 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2. Monitoring report Denim Deal: Quantitative monitoring brands and retailers, Baseline 2020

    The signatories of the Denim Deal aim to close the denim loop by promoting the use of high-grade post-consumer recycled cotton ...

    Report | 21-12-2021

  3. Ugandan human rights lawyer Nicholas Opiyo awarded Human Rights Tulip 2021

    The Human Rights Tulip 2021 has been awarded to the Ugandan human rights lawyer Nicholas Opiyo. The prize was presented by ...

    Blog post | 06-12-2021 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  4. Forced to flee a war-torn country, determined to return and help

    Heba Alibrahim, daughter of a doctor, was forced to flee the Syrian war at 15. Now, seven years later, she is studying psychology ...

    Blog post | 16-10-2019 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  5. Countries want psychosocial support to be standard part of aid package in crisis situations

    In Amsterdam 24 countries and 10 international aid organisations have agreed on the minimum requirements for emergency aid. Food ...

    News item | 08-10-2019 | 19:25

  6. The Netherlands and Lebanon

    Factsheet on the efforts of The Netherlands from 2019 to 2022 to increase the safety and stability in Lebanon.

    Publication | 13-08-2019

  7. The Netherlands and Afghanistan

    In August 2021, the situation in Afghanistan deteriorated rapidly. In light of these developments in Afghanistan, this ...

    Publication | 13-08-2019

  8. African-European cooperation for youth entrepreneurship

    The 5th African Union – European Union (AU-EU) summit will take place in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) on November 29 & 30. The AU-EU ...

    Media article | 13-11-2017

  9. Corporate Social Responsibility passport

    Publication about what opportunities there are and what the minimum requirements are from governments.

    Publication | 08-12-2014

  10. Sustainability report 2023 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published om 15th of May 2024 the second report on sustainability. The mission of the Ministry is ...

    Report | 15-05-2024