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  1. Intervention by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hanke Bruins Slot, at the humanitarian aid conference in Jordan

    Intervention by Hanke Bruins Slot, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, at the  Call for Action: Urgent ...

    Speech | 11-06-2024

  2. Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen re-elected for CEDAW Committee

    On June 7, 2024, the election took place for 11 new members of Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination ...

    News item | 10-06-2024 | 09:45

  3. Political Declaration on Sustaining a Feminist Approach to Foreign Policy

    Political declaration on sustaining a feminist approach to foreign policy, signed on the 17th of April 2024 during the state ...

    Diplomatic statement | 18-04-2024

  4. Extra measures to tackle capacity problems in prisons

    Minister Weerwind of Legal Protection is taking additional measures to address the capacity shortage in prisons. Due to staff ...

    News item | 15-03-2024 | 14:24

  5. COP28: Netherlands launches international coalition to phase out fossil fuel subsidies

    During the UN Climate Conference in Dubai (COP28), the Netherlands launched an international coalition to phase out fossil fuel ...

    News item | 09-12-2023 | 12:25

  6. Minister Weerwind allocates 26 million euros in compensation of legal aid providers for high inflation

    Minister Franc Weerwind for Legal Protection is compensating legal aid providers such as lawyers and mediators for cost increases ...

    News item | 08-11-2023 | 16:30

  7. Statement by Wopke Hoekstra at the launch of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

    Statement by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the launch of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats ...

    Speech | 07-07-2023

  8. Dutch government announces second aid package for Ukraine, and new envoy for reconstruction efforts

    The Netherlands has earmarked over €118 million for its second aid package for Ukraine for 2023. A sum of €93 million will be ...

    News item | 05-07-2023 | 15:45

  9. Speech by Minister Hoekstra at the Sahel Envoy Conference

    Speech by Minister Wopke Hoekstra of Foreign Affairs at the Sahel Envoy Conference in The Hague, on 17 April 2023. The spoken ...

    Speech | 17-04-2023

  10. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at an event announcing the construction of Holland Hydrogen 1

    Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at an event announcing the construction of Holland Hydrogen 1, Louwman Museum, The Hague, 6 ...

    Speech | 06-07-2022