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  1. Germany and the Netherlands must invest in a better Europe

    Press statement by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, during his visit to Berlin, 26 January 2022. ...

    Speech | 26-01-2022

  2. The Netherlands and The Great Lakes Region

    Factsheet on the efforts of The Netherlands from 2019 to 2022 to encourage cooperation between the different countries in The ...

    Publication | 13-08-2019

  3. The Netherlands and France work together on reconstruction in St Maarten and Saint Martin

    The French and Dutch delegates coordinating reconstruction efforts in Saint Martin and St Maarten met in Paris today to ...

    News item | 16-10-2017 | 18:20

  4. Over 60 countries step up sanctions against Syria

    Diplomats from over 60 countries are meeting in The Hague to tighten the sanctions against the Syrian regime and improve their ...

    News item | 20-09-2012 | 12:48

  5. Comparing the remuneration at international organisations with that at national governments

    The Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom relations asked research institute SEO Amsterdam Economics to carry out a ...

    Report | 20-10-2017

  6. Towards better water quality

    In recent decades, the quality of the water in rivers, lakes, the sea and the quality of ground water has improved significantly. ...

  7. Living allowance for refugees from Ukraine

    Refugees from Ukraine receive a living allowance for food, clothing and other personal expenses, unless these things are donated ...

    Leaflet | 01-07-2024

  8. International organisations

    The globalisation of politics and the economy requires constant monitoring of international developments. This is also of great ...

  9. Support departments

    The following departments ressort under the Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Operational Management (DGCB)

  10. Speech by Minister Bruins Slot at the International Conference of Prosecutors on Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

    Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hanke Bruins Slot at the International Conference of Prosecutors on Accountability for ...

    Speech | 26-03-2024