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  1. Bill for better protection against human trafficking to House of Representatives

    The legislation criminalising human trafficking is to be expanded and simplified to help detect and prosecute offenders of human ...

    News item | 19-04-2024 | 13:37

  2. The Netherlands and Tunisia

    Factsheet on the efforts of The Netherlands from 2019 to 2022 to support democratisation in Tunisia.

    Publication | 13-08-2019

  3. Government statement of policy on taking office

    On 3 July 2024 Prime Minister Dick Schoof delivered the government statement of policy on taking office in the House of ...

  4. Privacy statement by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

    This privacy statement explains how the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science deals with personal data.

  5. Central government encourages sustainable energy

    By 2050, Dutch central government wants to reduce the Netherlands' emissions of greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide (CO2)) to ...

  6. Measures to increase the number of vaccinated children

    In the Netherlands the vaccination coverage is high, at an average of over 90%. But to eradicate infectious diseases altogether, ...

  7. Applying for a residence permit

    Do you wish to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days? Please contact the IND to apply for a residence permit. Citizens of ...

  8. Care and support for refugees from Ukraine

  9. Government encouraging the use of eHealth (telehealth)

    The Dutch government wants to encourage the use of digital applications for healthcare and support. Since the coronavirus crisis, ...

  10. The nitrogen strategy and the transformation of the rural areas

    Excessive nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands has been a problem for many years. It is harmful for both nature and public ...