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  1. Dutch policy on the situation in Israel and the Palestinian Territories

    Information about Dutch policy with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Netherlands’ position on the situation in ...

  2. Circular Dutch economy by 2050

    Global demand for products and raw materials is increasing. That is why central government is working with other public ...

  3. Reducing dependence on Russia

    The Netherlands wants to be less dependent on Russian gas. At the same time the government wants to make sure that the ...

  4. From indices to insight. A proposal to enhance the risk assessment of the Dutch Early Warning/Early Action process

    This report looks for ways to produce quick Early Warning and Early Action assessments that combine the advantages of structural ...

    Report | 30-11-2021

  5. Costing Conflict - An early warning method to assess the impact of political violence on vital security interests

    Early Warning and Early Action (EWEA) identifies the impact and risk of conflict, instability and violence. In this report, ...

    Report | 30-11-2021

  6. Focus on Afghanistan: Netherlands worked day and night on evacuation

    The Netherlands made every effort, together with allies, to ensure that evacuations took place smoothly. The local embassy team ...

    News item | 24-08-2021 | 15:44

  7. Prostitution and exploitation

    Are you being exploited or working as a prostitute against your will? Or do you know someone who is involved in this? Ask for ...


  8. Work and income in the Netherlands for refugees from Ukraine

    Refugees from Ukraine can get a subsistence allowance. Refugees from Ukraine who fall under the Temporary Protection Directive do ...

  9. Joint declaration of intent

    Joint declaration of intent in relation to further energy co-operation regarding grids and electricity transmission.

    Parliamentary document | 19-05-2020

  10. Inhabitants of the Amazon rainforest are joining hands to combat climate change and deforestation

    Forests keep our planet healthy. They absorb carbon dioxide, offer natural protection against heat and are home to millions of ...

    Blog post | 05-06-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs