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  1. Rules for registering a birth

    You must register a birth within 3 days. Read more about the rules for registering a birth on

  2. Types of primary school

    Besides mainstream primary schools, there are also special schools for primary education and schools for special education.

  3. Combating human trafficking

    The government takes a comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking and enlists all parties that can help. It also ...

  4. Policy for safe provision of vaccinations

    Vaccinations must be safe. Several organisations in the Netherlands are working closely together to make sure that they are. ...

  5. Advancing sustainable animal products congres

    Video | 15-10-2020

  6. Rail freight transport

    Some 80% of rail freight in the Netherlands comes from or is destined for other countries. The Dutch government therefore ...

  7. The Netherlands as a proving ground for mobility

    To make truck platooning possible on the public roads, Dutch and European regulations will have to be amended.

  8. Safeguarding the quality of the living environment

    A safe, healthy environment requires good environmental quality, flood protection and a reliable drinking water supply, as well ...

  9. What does the Inspectorate SZW do?

    leaflet What does the Inspectorate do?

    Leaflet | 08-08-2012

  10. Organogram of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Deputy Secretary-General

    Deputy Secretary-General: Abigail Norville