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  1. Organogram of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport: Directorate-General for Health

    Director-General: Marjolijn Sonnema 

  2. Mine Action and Cluster Munitions Programme 2020-2024

    The Netherlands sustains its support for a world free of the threat of mines and explosive remnants of war. Even years after the ...

  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes second sustainability report

    On 15 May 2024 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published its sustainability report over 2023. This report focuses on our climate, ...

    News item | 14-05-2024 | 14:43

  4. Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID)

    Some people continue to experience health problems long after a coronavirus infection (COVID-19). When these problems persist for ...

  5. Impact of Brexit on the rights of Dutch citizens in the United Kingdom

    The EU and the UK have reached an agreement on the rights of EU citizens in the UK. Read more about the rights of Dutch nationals ...

  6. Restoring Justice for Ukraine Conference

    On 2 April 2024, the Netherlands, Ukraine and the European Commission will co-hosted the international conference ‘Restoring ...

  7. Encouraging innovation

    The government supports companies that develop innovative products through tax benefits, innovation credit and grants. There are ...

  8. Viewing, amending or deleting personal data held by the UWV

    You can view, amend or delete your name, address or other personal data held by the UWV. It can be done online, by telephone, via ...

  9. Applying for an authorisation for temporary stay (MVV)

    Are you a non-EU citizen and do you want to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days? Apply for an MVV to the IND.

  10. Before and during a disaster

    If you find yourself caught up in a disaster, there are various measures you can take.