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  1. Decentralisation of government tasks

    Since 2015 municipalities have been responsible for youth care, help for jobseekers, and healthcare services for the elderly and ...

  2. International legal organisations

    The Netherlands has a tradition of placing strong emphasis on the development of international law. Promoting the development of ...

  3. Supervising and monitoring the food sector

    The government has taken measures to improve food safety and reliability. More information on

  4. Promoting the production of healthy food

    The Dutch government encourages healthy eating in many ways. More information at

  5. Fair, clean competitive sport

    Central government works closely with civil society organisations to combat doping and match-fixing. Competitive sports should be ...

  6. Measures against antibiotic resistance

    More and more bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. This makes it more difficult for doctors to treat bacterial ...

  7. The workings of democracy

    Since it is impossible for everyone to take a hand in running the country, the people elect representatives to act on their ...

  8. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Bangladesh

    This document describes in short how the Dutch central government helps companies stimulate corporate social responsibility (CSR) ...

    Publication | 25-11-2013

  9. Dutch development policy

    Please see for more information on the Dutch development cooperation policy.

  10. More sustainability in the health and care sector

    Hospitals and other healthcare facilities use a lot of energy, food and materials, which means they also contribute to climate ...