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  1. Housing

    By the year 2020 central government will require 30% less office space (compared with 1 January 2012). This is because central ...

  2. Cutting down on food waste

    The Dutch government is committed to reducing the unnecessary wastage of food. More information at

  3. Prohibition of discrimination

    Everyone in the Netherlands is entitled to equal treatment. This right is considered so important that it is enshrined in the ...

  4. Strategy against child abuse

    Please see for information about the Dutch strategy against child abuse

  5. Dutch fisheries policy

    Professional coastal and inland fisheries are mainly bound by Dutch fisheries policy. The government works with the fishing ...

  6. Elite sport

    The Netherlands aspires to be one of the top ten countries in the international sporting arena. Strong performances by elite ...

  7. Citizen participation

    More and more people are taking the initiative to make their local neighbourhood more liveable, for instance by helping to ...

  8. Fewer differences between boys and girls at school

    Boys and girls act differently at school. They tend to opt for different subject combinations and courses of study. In addition, ...

  9. Good public administration

    The citizen has ever higher expectations of public services. That is why public authorities are working constantly to improve ...

  10. Improving Responsible Business Conduct (RBC)

    The Dutch government wants Dutch companies to engage in responsible business practices abroad. This means taking account of human ...