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  1. Joint Statement by Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands welcoming the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice for Syria to immediately cease torture and other ill-treatment

    Today, the International Court of Justice delivered its Order on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted ...

    Diplomatic statement | 16-11-2023

  2. Policy theme departments

    These departments combine knowledge and expertise in clusters of foreign policy areas, or 'themes', such as security policy, the ...

  3. Employment conditions for posted workers in the EU

    The Employment Conditions (Posted Workers in the European Union) Act stipulates the minimum employment conditions for foreign ...

  4. Travelling outside the Netherlands


  5. Encouraging innovation

    The government supports companies that develop innovative products through tax benefits, innovation credit and grants. There are ...

  6. Measures to increase the number of vaccinated children

    In the Netherlands the vaccination coverage is high, at an average of over 90%. But to eradicate infectious diseases altogether, ...

  7. Organisation of government communications

    A number of different bodies are involved in making, implementing and assessing central government communications policy. These ...

  8. SFFP 2023 conference programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023, 1-2 November in the World Forum in ...

    Publication | 13-11-2023

  9. Pressure on asylum reception continues

    Pressure on asylum reception has been very high for some time, and the outlook shows that this pressure will only increase. This ...

    News item | 10-11-2023 | 14:49

  10. Position of sex workers to be improved.

    Sex workers are too often not treated like other workers due to prejudice about their work. That is why the social and legal ...

    News item | 10-11-2023 | 14:49