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  1. Societal Impact Team

    The Societal Impact Team (Maatschappelijk Impact Team, in short: MIT) was established on 1 September 2022, towards the end of the ...

    Publication | 31-07-2024

  2. Reporting an international child abduction

    Has your child been abducted out of the Netherlands? Report the abduction to the Ca as soon as possible.

  3. Minimum wage amounts

    From 1 January 2024 the minimum wage is fixed per hour. The statutory minimum wage is the amount payable per hour before tax. ...

  4. Smart Shipping: comprehensive automation in the maritime sector

    New technologies are changing shipping for good. For instance, assistive technologies for navigation and data sharing. These ...

  5. International maritime agreements

    The Netherlands plays an active role in international maritime organisations. By doing so, it is able to ask for attention to be ...

  6. The story of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

    The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is working to make the Netherlands a better place to live.

  7. Organization Chart Ministry of Foreign Affairs (june 2024)

    The organizational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

    Leaflet | 18-07-2024

  8. Ten years after MH17: BZ staff share their memories of the disaster

    Ten years after MH17: BZ staff share their memories of the disaster

    Blog post | 16-07-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  9. The Netherlands and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    An end to poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change: this is the essence of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ...

  10. Countries and regions

    In the field of foreign trade and development cooperation the Netherlands has a special relationship with certain countries. ...