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  1. Responsible disclosure

    Have you discovered a security flaw in an ICT system belonging to central government? Please notify us before informing the ...

  2. What permits do foreign workers need?

    Foreign citizens wishing to work in the Netherlands have to meet various requirements.

    Question and answer

  3. Public education about the Second World War

    The number of people who experienced the Second World War (WWII) and the National Socialist era at first hand is now in rapid ...

  4. About the Ministry

  5. Nature policy in the years to come

    In a vision document, the government has sketched its new strategy on managing the natural environment up to 2025. Its key aim is ...

  6. Safety and healthcare

    Patients should be confident that the care they are receiving is safe. Central government stimulates care providers and care ...

  7. A smaller and more efficient civil service

    Dutch central government is continually striving to improve the quality of its services.

  8. Noise nuisance and the law

    Excessive noise can damage people’s health and the quality of their domestic life. That is why there are laws limiting the amount ...

  9. Organisation

    Organisational setup of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

  10. Security and the rule of law

    The Dutch government wants to contribute to security and the rule of law in fragile states.