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  1. In Rotterdam, Ukrainian cities find help with water and reconstruction

    In late November, representatives from the Ukrainian cities of Mariupol, Odesa and Mykolaiv paid a working visit to Rotterdam. ...

    Blog post | 27-12-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2. Monitoring the effects of the approach to tax avoidance

    The State Secretary for Tax Affairs and Tax Administration Van Rij presents the House of Representatives an annual monitoring ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 22-12-2023

  3. Challenges and solutions in measuring and reporting Scope 3 emissions

    Organizations face challenges when it comes to measuring and reporting their scope 3-emissions. In this report, potential ...

    Report | 22-12-2023

  4. Letter to the Parliament on Dutch efforts to achieve a strong semiconductor ecosystem in geopolitically challenging times

    Minister Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) and Minister Van Leeuwen (Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 21-12-2023

  5. Looking for work in the Netherlands

    Read what documents you have to get before coming to work in the Netherlands and where you can look for work.

  6. State of the European Union 2024 - prologue (in English, German, French, Spanish)

    In the State of the European Union, the Dutch government presents its vision on the European Union (EU) and the European plans ...

    Publication | 21-12-2023

  7. Government takes the next step to create balance in the internationalisation of education

    Balance between the value of internationalisation for our education on the one hand, and accessibility to this education on the ...

    News item | 21-12-2023 | 14:15

  8. Minister Geoffrey van Leeuwen announces extra €25 million in emergency aid for Gaza during visit to Rafah border crossing

    The Netherlands is making an extra €25 million available for humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza. The Minister for Foreign ...

    News item | 20-12-2023 | 15:23

  9. Offshore wind: The Netherlands well on schedule, tender round to double capacity will start early 2024

    Today, the CrossWind consortium completed construction of the Hollandse Kust (noord) wind farm. The Netherlands has now reached a ...

    News item | 20-12-2023 | 07:00

  10. Netherlands receives President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea: ‘Innovation and a focus on exports – a good fit!’

    On 12 and 13 December, King Willem-Alexander received the South Korean president, Yoon Suk Yeol, during his state visit to the ...

    Blog post | 19-12-2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs