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  1. Sporting events

    The government wants to assist Dutch sports federations that want to stage major international sporting events in the ...

  2. Eddy van Hijum

    Eddy van Hijum is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment.


  3. Developing the private sector in developing countries

    Worldwide, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) drive economic development and provide jobs and income. This also benefits ...

  4. Purchasing products and services

    The central government has purchased products and services worth € 5.2 billion in 2022. This includes everything from stationary ...

  5. Equal treatment for EU migrant workers and their families

    Workers from the European Union and their families are entitled to equal treatment in the Netherlands, as laid down in the Dutch ...

  6. Reducing the number of robberies

    Robbery is a serious crime with far-reaching consequences for the victims and their family and friends.

  7. International agreements on sustainable maritime transport

    The government is working with the maritime sector and other countries to arrive at agreements on sustainable maritime transport. ...

  8. Financial infrastructure

    Access to financial services is a prerequisite for economic development that benefits everyone. Savings, transactions (including ...

  9. Closing the gap between education and industry

    Entrepreneurs are vital for economic growth. This should be reflected in an education system that teaches entrepreneurial skills.

  10. Where can I get help for mental health problems?

    If you have mental health problems you can get support online, or from your GP or company doctor.

    Question and answer