
98 search results

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  1. Chair's summary report conference No More Food to Waste

    Report | 25-06-2015

  2. List of participants conference No More Food To Waste

    Publication | 23-06-2015

  3. Mid-Term Evaluation of the Netherlands Food Security Programme in the Palestinian Territories

    Final Report – Netherlands Representative Office Ramallah

    Report | 01-06-2015

  4. IOB – The Only Constant is Change: Evaluation of the Dutch contribution to transition in the Arab region (2009-2013)

    This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the response of the Dutch government to the Arab uprisings and its support ...

    Publication | 01-04-2015

  5. IOB - Navigating a sea of interests: Policy evaluation of Dutch foreign human rights policy 2008-2013

    This report presents the findings of a policy evaluation of Dutch involvement in human rights during the period 2008-2013. It ...

    Report | 01-12-2014

  6. International Security Strategy

    Policy note | 21-06-2013

  7. Communiqué by the Friends of the Syrian People International Working Group on sanctions

    The Friends of the Syrian People International Working Group on Sanctions held its sixth meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 26 ...

    Publication | 27-02-2013

  8. Evaluation programme 2013 budget Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Summary of evaluations of policy efficiency and effectiveness

    Annual report | 17-01-2013

  9. Syria: international sanctions authorities

    International Sanctions Authorities

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012

  10. Syria - individuals and entities comparison chart

    Syria-related Designations - Persons

    Leaflet | 10-12-2012