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  1. Mobilised private (climate & biodiversity) finance: 2023 report

    This report summarizes the mobilization of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 16-05-2024

  2. Destinations of Dutch used textiles

    This research aims to help unravel the destinations and actual uses of used textiles exported from the Netherlands. The report ...

    Report | 02-02-2024

  3. Evaluation Agriterra Farmers Common Sense in Business Programme 2016-2020

    Independent evaluation of the Farmers Common Sense in Business (FCSB) programme, implemented by Agriterra. This evaluation covers ...

    Report | 03-07-2020

  4. Evaluation programme 2014 budget - Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

    Summary of evaluations of policy efficiency and effectiveness: a question of accounting and learning - 2011 - 2016.

    Report | 25-04-2014

  5. Study Report DSO Strategy Reproductive Health Commodities

    The main challenge in supply chain management for reproductive health commodities (RHCs) is related to last mile distribution. ...

    Report | 31-07-2020

  6. Final Evaluation of 'Omzet met Impact' Programme

    The aim of the 'Omzet met Impact' programme is to stimulate sustainable trade and investment between the Netherlands and emerging ...

    Report | 22-10-2021

  7. Water Action Agenda Magazine

    In March 2023 the Netherlands and Tajikistan hosted the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York. One of the results was the Water ...

    Publication | 23-08-2024

  8. End-term Evaluation of Count Me In!

    Under the Dialogue & Dissent policy framework (2016-2020) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported in collaboration with civil ...

    Report | 26-11-2020

  9. Evaluation of Develop2Build

    Report | 24-02-2020

  10. External Evaluation 2Scale, 2012-2017 – Final Report

    Report | 12-06-2018