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  1. Evaluation of the Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme DECP - Assessment of the outcomes of DECP activities over the period 2013-2016

    The Dutch Employers' Cooperation Programme (DECP) is a foundation established in 2005 by the Dutch employers' organizations and ...

    Report | 01-05-2017

  2. Country of Origin Report on Eritrea February 2017

    This Dutch COI report describes the current situation in Eritrea insofar as it is relevant to the assessment of asylum ...

    Report | 06-02-2017

  3. Final Evaluation of the MFA-NL Supported Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) Programme 2012-2017

    The NCEA support to governments and DGIS was evaluated as highly relevant between 2012-2017 based on a review of 43 ...

    Publication | 31-01-2017

  4. End of programme evaluation IRC businessplan 2012-2016

    The IRC activities have been co-financed by The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs since IRC started in 1968. This report ...

    Publication | 11-01-2017

  5. Country Report on Human Rights and Justice in Rwanda

    This report describes the human rights developments and the developments in judicial procedure in Rwanda from December 2011 to ...

    Report | 18-08-2016

  6. Annual Report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2015

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-06-2016

  7. Taxes crucial to development - Legislation

    Developing countries will be able to achieve internationally agreed development goals more quickly if they put their government ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  8. Towards a stimulating economic climate - Improving the climate for business

    Extra support particularly benefits smaller producers in developing countries. The Netherlands carries out a range of activities ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  9. Support for small businesses - Encouraging enterprise

    In developing countries, the Netherlands supports local startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow. ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  10. Evaluation of the LODA Programme to Finance Infrastructure at De-central Level

    Final Report (revised draft) – Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Kigali, Rwanda

    Report | 01-04-2016