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  1. The Netherlands and Uganda

    Factsheet on the efforts of The Netherlands from 2019 to 2022 to improve stability and democracy.

    Publication | 13-08-2019

  2. Digital Agenda for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS)

    The rapid development of digital technology impacts on all long-term goals of our foreign trade and development cooperation ...

    Policy note | 31-07-2019

  3. New program 'Work: No Child’s Business' launched to help eliminate child labor

    Today, almost one in every ten children between the ages of five and seventeen is involved in child labor. The Alliance, together ...

    Media article | 23-05-2019

  4. Africa Biogas Partnership Programme (ABPP) Phase 2 - Effect Evaluation

    This report is the final evaluation of the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme Phase 2. Phase 1 of the ABPP programme was carried ...

    Report | 13-05-2019

  5. Looking back, looking forward; Evaluation of the Global Water Partnership

    This evaluation concludes that the Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an important and necessary partner for global ...

    Publication | 10-11-2018

  6. Mid-term Evaluation of DGIS - IHE Delft Programmatic Cooperation 2016-2020 (DUPC2) in the field of international cooperation on water

    Report | 16-07-2018

  7. Comprehensive agenda on migration

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 10-07-2018

  8. Strategic Evaluative Review of the Energising Development Partnership Programme – Long Version

    The present report critically reviews the EnDev Programme following the OECD DAC criteria, namely relevance, effectiveness, ...

    Report | 20-06-2018

  9. External Evaluation 2Scale, 2012-2017 – Final Report

    Report | 12-06-2018

  10. Evaluation of the Infrastructure Development Fund – Volume 1 – Main Report

    This study evaluates the Infrastructure Development Fund (IDF), a Netherlands Government Fund (“rijksfonds”) established in 2002 ...

    Report | 01-05-2018