
165 search results

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  1. Policy Framework Strengthening Civil Society

    A strong civil society is essential for a good functioning democracy and an inclusive society. Civil society is under pressure in ...

    Policy note | 23-03-2022

  2. Speech by minister Wopke Hoekstra at the Human Rights Council in Geneva

    Speech by minister Wopke Hoekstra at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, 1 March 2022.

    Speech | 01-03-2022

  3. Final Report: External evaluation of the Netherlands WPS 2016-2019 and WPS 2020 programmes

    This report presents the external end-term meta-evaluation of 8 Women, Peace and Security programmes implemented under the 3rd ...

    Report | 15-11-2021

  4. Human rights under pressure globally in 2020 due to coronavirus pandemic

    The Human Rights Report 2020 gives a detailed account of the results of Dutch human rights policy.

    News item | 27-10-2021 | 10:00

  5. Change of national export control policy with regard to Turkey following the Turkish army’s incursion into northern Syria

    Since 11 October 2019 there has been a stricter arms export policy in force for the export of military goods and dual-use goods ...

    Publication | 15-10-2021

  6. Dutch Export Control Policy in 2020

    This report discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms export policy in 2020.

    Report | 09-09-2021

  7. Country of origin information report Syria June 2021

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Syria insofar as this is important for the assessment of ...

    Report | 14-06-2021

  8. Succesful elements in refugee support and learning through exchange

    This study includes a literature review of successful elements in Dutch interventions that improve refugees' access to employment ...

    Report | 31-05-2021

  9. Speech by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, at the Brussels V Conference

    Speech by the Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, at the Brussels V Conference.

    Speech | 30-03-2021

  10. General Country of Origin Information Report Turkey

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Turkey insofar as this is important for the assessment of ...

    Report | 18-03-2021