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  1. Outline of Shiraka programme

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 15-11-2016

  2. SFFP 2023 conference programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference 2023, 1-2 November in the World Forum in ...

    Publication | 13-11-2023

  3. Global HALO Trust Mine Action Projects with Multiple Spheres of Change

    Samuel Hall evaluated the global HALO Trust 2016-2020 programmes funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) as part of ...

    Report | 01-02-2021

  4. Questions and answers – Addressing Root Causes Fund – second batch, 12 February 2016

    Form | 12-02-2016

  5. Speech Minister Ollongren Columbia University

    Speech of the Netherlands Minister of Defence for the visit to Columbia University, New York, September 25th 2023.

    Speech | 26-09-2023

  6. Policy Framework ARC Fund

    Order of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation laying down administrative rules and a ceiling for grants ...

    Decree | 13-01-2016

  7. Emergency aid in crisis and conflict situations: how do we protect aid workers?

    2023 was the deadliest year on record for emergency aid workers. In 2024 there have already been several attacks on humanitarian ...

    Blog post | 19-08-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  8. Speech by minister Wopke Hoekstra at the Human Rights Council in Geneva

    Speech by minister Wopke Hoekstra at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, 1 March 2022.

    Speech | 01-03-2022

  9. International Conference on MHPSS in Crisis Situations: Programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Crisis ...

    Publication | 30-09-2019

  10. 'Women, Peace and Security' order and grants framework

    Order of the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of 3 May 2016, laying down administrative rules and a ceiling ...

    Decree | 03-05-2016