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  1. Mobilised private climate & biodiversity finance: 2021 report

    This report summarizes the mobilization of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 03-04-2022

  2. PCA-GIRE Mali évaluation - finale et prospection

    Le Programme Conjoint d'Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (PCA-GIRE) a démarré en 2015 avec contributions de Pays ...

    Report | 31-03-2022

  3. Policy Framework Strengthening Civil Society

    A strong civil society is essential for a good functioning democracy and an inclusive society. Civil society is under pressure in ...

    Policy note | 23-03-2022

  4. Speech by minister Schreinemacher at the EU-AU Summit side event ‘Getting back on track: realizing gender equality and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights’

    Opening speech by Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, during the SRHR side event ...

    Speech | 15-02-2022

  5. Statement fossil gas-based activities in the EU Taxonomy

    The proposal to include fossil gas-based activities in the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities.

    Letter | 31-01-2022

  6. Global mobility trends and analyses: The impact of COVID-19 on mobility

    Report on the impact of COVID-19 on mobility and public transport in particular. The report provides international insights that ...

    Report | 31-12-2021

  7. ERC Statement on the Nexus Between Democracy and the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons

    On the occasion of the Summit for Democracy, the undersigned members of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC) affirm that the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 09-12-2021

  8. E3F summit statement 24.11.21

    The Netherlands is working together with a coalition of countries to make global export finance even greener. This is the outcome ...

    Publication | 24-11-2021

  9. Joint Statement on the release of the OHCHR-EHRC joint investigation - November 6, 2021

    In response to the OHCHR-EHRC joint investigation the Netherlands and 15 other countries call on all parties to immediately cease ...

    Diplomatic statement | 06-11-2021

  10. Joint Statement on Yemen

    Joint statement on the human rights situation in Yemen behalf of multiple countries and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

    Diplomatic statement | 29-10-2021