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  1. Fighting in Sudan - Updates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    On 15 April violent clashes between government forces and militias began in the Sudanese capital Khartoum. Fighting is also ...

    News item | 26-04-2023 | 10:09

  2. Reverse logistics for reusable packaging

    This report provides an exploration of what is needed to set up reverse logistics and encourage the scaling up of reusable ...

    Report | 31-01-2023

  3. Evaluation of Awareness Raising Campaigns for (Potential) Migrants

    This evaluation presents a comparative analysis of four awareness-raising campaigns funded by the NL in Nigeria, Iraq and ...

    Report | 19-01-2023

  4. Policy Document for Foreign Trade and Development: Do what we do best

    In the coming years, the Netherlands will invest more in the combination of foreign trade and development cooperation. This is ...

    Policy note | 10-10-2022

  5. Annual Report International Human Rights Proceedings (2021)

    Report on the Netherlands’ involvement in international human rights proceedings in 2021.

    Report | 08-09-2022

  6. Advice on strengthening NL polar research and exploration of possibilities for a NL Polar Centre

    The aim of this study is to advise on how to strengthen Netherlands polar research and to explore the possibilities for a polar ...

    Report | 20-04-2022

  7. Mobilised private climate & biodiversity finance: 2021 report

    This report summarizes the mobilization of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 03-04-2022

  8. Global mobility trends and analyses: The impact of COVID-19 on mobility

    Report on the impact of COVID-19 on mobility and public transport in particular. The report provides international insights that ...

    Report | 31-12-2021

  9. Procurement with impact

    Publication | 26-03-2021

  10. Commissioning with ambition, procuring with impact

    National Plan on Sustainable Public Procurement for 2021-2025.

    Publication | 29-01-2021