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  1. General country of origin information report on Somalia June 2023

    This general country of origin information report describes the situation in Somalia insofar as it is relevant for the assessment ...

    Directive | 30-06-2023

  2. External End Evaluation Partners for Resilience 2016-2020

    Objectives of the evaluation: 1. Assess the validity of PfR’s ToC + Key Assumptions; 2. Assess the effectiveness, relevance and ...

    Report | 25-06-2020

  3. IOB Study - Achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This report presents the findings of a desk-study of the results of multilateral organisations in the field of sexual and ...

    Report | 12-02-2014

  4. Dutch efforts in the Sahel (English)

    The Sahel is one of the Dutch focus regions for development cooperation. This leaflet summarizes why, where and how The ...

    Leaflet | 18-11-2020

  5. General country of origin information report on Eritrea (December 2023)

    This general country of information report describes the situation in Eritrea insofar as this affects the assessment of asylum ...

    Report | 31-12-2023

  6. Youth at heart - Young people at the heart of Dutch development cooperation

    The countries in the Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation focus regions (the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East ...

    Publication | 14-05-2020

  7. Sustainability and Inclusion Strategy for Growth Corridors in Africa

    End of phase evaluation report about the Sustainability and Inclusion Strategy for Growth Corridors in Africa.

    Report | 15-02-2019

  8. Mid-Term Evaluation of Mine Action and Cluster Munitions Programme II

    Publication | 01-05-2024

  9. Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report: Fisher Comminuty Resilience Enhancement Project (FICREP)

    The FICREP project contributes to food and nutrition security through a coordinated, conflict sensitive and environmentally ...

    Report | 03-04-2023

  10. List of participants conference No More Food To Waste

    Publication | 23-06-2015