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  1. Policy framework Global Multilateralism 2022-2026

    The policy framework ‘Global Multilateralism: Defining the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ position in a changing multilateral global ...

    Publication | 08-06-2023

  2. Speech by Dutch Human Rights Ambassador Bahia Tahzib-Lie at the opening of the Activist Night during the Movies That Matter Festival

    Speech by Dutch Human Rights Ambassador Bahia Tahzib-Lie at the opening of the Activist Night during the Movies That Matter ...

    Speech | 06-04-2023

  3. Security Strategy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Publication)

    Security is a vital asset. It’s a basic necessity of life. Without it, everything we value today and in the future would be under ...

    Publication | 03-04-2023

  4. Mid-Term Evaluation Final Report: Fisher Comminuty Resilience Enhancement Project (FICREP)

    The FICREP project contributes to food and nutrition security through a coordinated, conflict sensitive and environmentally ...

    Report | 03-04-2023

  5. Final Evaluation of the S3G Project

    The S3G project was funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kigali through the Great Lakes program with the ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  6. Early Warning, Early Action, in Practice

    This reports presents the results of Clingendael’s Early Warning, Early Action (EWEA) scan of the African continent, assessing ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  7. Dutch Global Health Strategy 2023-2030

    In the coming years, the Netherlands is scaling up its efforts in the field of global health. The Dutch Global Health Strategy ...

    Publication | 29-03-2023

  8. Speech by Mark Harbers, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, at the official launch of the IPDC, UN Headquarters, New York, 23 March 2023, 18.30

    “All countries are noticing the effects of climate change. And it’s even worse for deltas, coastal areas and islands. it’s ...

    Video | 24-03-2023

  9. The EU's Russia policy; ECFR Flash Scorecard

    This research document contains data and some analysis on the perspectives of EU citizens with regard to the EU relationship with ...

    Report | 15-03-2023

  10. General Country of Origin Information Report Libya of February 2023

    This general country of origin information report describes the situation in Libya insofar as it is relevant to the assessment of ...

    Directive | 28-02-2023