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  1. Synthesis Report of the Mid-Term Review for the Leading From the South

    The aim of this mid-term review was to assess the progress of the Leading from the South program (2017-2020) and to provide ...

    Report | 18-05-2020

  2. The belt and road initiative looks East - Political implications of China's forays in the Caribbean and the South Pacific

    China has not officially integrated the Caribbean into the Belt and Road Initiative (except for Trinidad and Tobago) but China is ...

    Report | 15-03-2021

  3. Assessment for the Bor Flood Control Initiative

    This report reviews the feasibility of a flood control initiative in Bor town, South Sudan. The report looks at the causes and ...

    Report | 18-10-2019

  4. Opening speech minister for the Environment, Vivianne Heijnen, at the High Level Round Table on Multi Level Action on Urban Water Resilience “Cities as hubs of climate adaptation”, COP28 – Dubai – 6 December 2023 15.30u

    “Nearly all mega cities around the world have been facing increasing water scarcity over the last decade. And this challenge will ...

    Speech | 06-12-2023

  5. Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change

    The e‑zine  Dialogue & Dissent: Stories of Change looks back on the Dialogue and Dissent programme and what it has achieved.

    Publication | 16-01-2021

  6. Looking back, looking forward; Evaluation of the Global Water Partnership

    This evaluation concludes that the Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an important and necessary partner for global ...

    Publication | 10-11-2018

  7. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)

    Together with 81 other countries, the Kingdom of the Netherlands co-sponsored a joint statement reaffirming the critical ...

    Diplomatic statement | 01-10-2020

  8. Support for small businesses - Encouraging enterprise

    In developing countries, the Netherlands supports local startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to grow. ...

    Leaflet | 12-04-2016

  9. Early Warning, Early Action, in Practice

    This reports presents the results of Clingendael’s Early Warning, Early Action (EWEA) scan of the African continent, assessing ...

    Report | 31-03-2023

  10. Final Report Dutch Coal Covenant 2020

    This is the final report of the ‘Covenant in respect of improvements in the coal supply chain’ (the “Covenant”). The goal, for ...

    Report | 28-09-2020