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  1. Letter on LNV's international commitment to resilient transboundary food systems

    Ministers Adema (LNV) and Van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) inform the House of Representatives of the international efforts of ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 15-03-2024

  2. International Women’s Day: what is the Netherlands doing to improve the position of women worldwide?

    Promoting gender equality and improving the social and economic status of women and girls around the world is a key area of work ...

    Blog post | 08-03-2024 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  3. Destinations of Dutch used textiles

    This research aims to help unravel the destinations and actual uses of used textiles exported from the Netherlands. The report ...

    Report | 02-02-2024

  4. Speech during the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

    Speech minister Van Weyenberg during the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action. Spoken word is ...

    Speech | 01-02-2024

  5. External evaluation of the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD)

    The main purpose of the midterm evaluation was to learn. The DFCD is seen as unique and highly relevant for climate adaptation ...

    Report | 31-01-2024

  6. General Country of Origin Information Report on Ethiopia

    This General Country of Origin Information Report describes the situation in Ethiopia insofar as this affects the assessment of ...

    Directive | 31-01-2024

  7. Explanatory notes to the HNS Convention reporting form

    This is an explanation on using the HNS notification form.

    Publication | 10-01-2024

  8. General country of origin information report on Eritrea (December 2023)

    This general country of information report describes the situation in Eritrea insofar as this affects the assessment of asylum ...

    Report | 31-12-2023

  9. Q&A's subsidy framework Contributing to Peaceful and Safe Societies 2024-2031

    Questions and answers on the Grant Policy Framework ‘Contributing to peaceful and safe societies 2024-2031’ (will be updated ...

    Question and answer

  10. Speech by Minister Bruins Slot at the Human Rights Tulip award ceremony

    Speech by Hanke Bruins Slot, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Human Rights Tulip award ceremony in the Peace Palace, The Hague ...

    Speech | 14-12-2023