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  1. Mid term Review of the IWRM Programme

    The mid term review was commissioned by EKN Maputo and it was meant to provide insight to the results achieved by the IWRM ...

    Report | 13-10-2022

  2. Government at a Glance

    Published every two years, Government at a Glance provides reliable, internationally comparable indicators on government ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  3. Human rights report 2019

    International human rights policy: activities and results.

    Report | 16-06-2020

  4. IOB - Gender, peace and security - Evaluation of the Netherlands and UN Security Council resolution 1325

    This evaluation report aims to assess what progress the Netherlands has achieved in putting United Nations Security Council ...

    Report | 01-04-2015

  5. The Dutch Maritime Strategy 2015 - 2025

    A comprehensive framework for the government-wide policy for the maritime cluster.

    Report | 01-01-2015

  6. End Term Evaluation of the Strategic Partnership (SP) for Garment Supply Chain Transformation (2016 - 2020)

    The SP established building blocks needed to achieve its objectives. It gathered workers, unions, factory management and brands, ...

    Report | 30-11-2020

  7. Evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts 2012-2015 – Final report

    Evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts 2012-2015 – Final report.

    Report | 25-02-2016

  8. The Netherlands’ Global Climate Strategy

    Scientific consensus on the urgency of the situation has prompted the Dutch government to speed up climate action. This first ...

    Publication | 22-12-2022

  9. Mid Term Review National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security 2016 - 2019

    The goal of this Mid Term Review is to assess the progress of the implementation of the third National Action Plan 1325 (NAP1325) ...

    Report | 28-02-2020

  10. Final Evaluation of the MFA-NL Supported Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) Programme 2012-2017

    The NCEA support to governments and DGIS was evaluated as highly relevant between 2012-2017 based on a review of 43 ...

    Publication | 31-01-2017