
258 search results

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  1. Annual report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2014

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-11-2015

  2. Annual Report on the Netherlands arms export policy 2013

    This report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms ...

    Report | 01-07-2014

  3. International Conference on MHPSS in Crisis Situations: Programme

    This booklet contains the programme of the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Crisis ...

    Publication | 30-09-2019

  4. Mobilised private (climate) finance report 2019

    This report summarises the mobilisation of private (climate) finance for developing countries by Dutch public interventions in ...

    Report | 12-05-2020

  5. External Evaluation of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)

    The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program of the World Bank (ESMAP) supports low- and middle-income countries in the ...

    Report | 02-03-2020

  6. Evaluation programme 2013 budget Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Summary of evaluations of policy efficiency and effectiveness

    Annual report | 17-01-2013

  7. IOB - Impact Evaluation of Improved Cooking Stoves in Burkina Faso

    Report | 18-11-2013

  8. IOB - Navigating a sea of interests: Policy evaluation of Dutch foreign human rights policy 2008-2013

    This report presents the findings of a policy evaluation of Dutch involvement in human rights during the period 2008-2013. It ...

    Report | 01-12-2014

  9. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2002

    Published by: Ministry of Economic Affairs and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands Original title: ...

    Annual report | 01-09-2003

  10. Policy note: human rights, democracy and international legal order

    The protection and promotion of human rights, the democratic constitutional state and the international legal order are the core ...

    Policy note | 09-11-2023