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  1. Mobilised private (climate & biodiversity) finance report 2020

    This report summarises the mobilisation of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 09-07-2021

  2. Country of origin information report Syria June 2021

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Syria insofar as this is important for the assessment of ...

    Report | 14-06-2021

  3. Mid-term evaluation

    The mid-term evaluation (MTE) of Burkina Dry More aims to assess the progress made by the project, and provide recommendations ...

    Report | 31-05-2021

  4. Mind the Gap: Overcoming Information Asymmetries Between Investors and Landscapes to Catalyze Private Finance for Forest Conservation

    The policy letter contains an analysis and recommendations regarding the barriers and solutions with respect to mobilizing ...

    Report | 10-05-2021

  5. BLUE DEAL Mid-Term Review

    The main purpose of the MtR is to assess the extent to which the Blue Deal programme and its partnerships have the potential to ...

    Report | 30-04-2021

  6. Joint statement reaffirming the importance of gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) at CPD54

    Diplomatic statement | 20-04-2021

  7. Effect evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts phase 2017-2020

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics to carry out the 2017-2020 evaluation of PUM Netherlands ...

    Report | 16-04-2021

  8. Country of origin information report Nigeria (March 2021)

    This country of origin information report describes the situation in Nigeria insofar as it is relevant for the assessment of ...

    Report | 31-03-2021

  9. The belt and road initiative looks East - Political implications of China's forays in the Caribbean and the South Pacific

    China has not officially integrated the Caribbean into the Belt and Road Initiative (except for Trinidad and Tobago) but China is ...

    Report | 15-03-2021

  10. Effect evaluation of the DUPC2 program IHE Delft

    DUPC2 is a very relevant instrument to strengthen local capacity through partnerships. DUPC2 has reached the target values for a ...

    Report | 28-02-2021