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  1. Policy Framework Strengthening Civil Society

    A strong civil society is essential for a good functioning democracy and an inclusive society. Civil society is under pressure in ...

    Policy note | 23-03-2022

  2. Seed Sector Development for South Sudan End of Project Evaluation

    The evaluation is positive about the outputs achieved by the Seed Sector Development for South Sudan (SSD4SS) project. The ...

    Report | 04-02-2022

  3. Final Report: External evaluation of the Netherlands WPS 2016-2019 and WPS 2020 programmes

    This report presents the external end-term meta-evaluation of 8 Women, Peace and Security programmes implemented under the 3rd ...

    Report | 15-11-2021

  4. End evaluation of the policy framework Leading from the South (2017-2020)

    This evaluation assesses the achievements of Leading from the South (LFS), a four-year program that ended on December 31st, 2020. ...

    Report | 30-10-2021

  5. Subsidy DIETS Programme

    On 26 October 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a call for grant proposals for the DIETS programme. Organisations ...

    Publication | 18-10-2021

  6. The Netherlands submits Adaptation Communication ahead of COP26

    As announced during the Adaptation Action Coalition event, by Ms. Barbara Visser, the Minister of Infrastructure and Water ...

    Report | 01-10-2021

  7. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the United Nations General Assembly

    Speech | 24-09-2021

  8. Dutch Export Control Policy in 2020

    This report discusses the instruments, procedures and underlying principles of Dutch arms export policy in 2020.

    Report | 09-09-2021

  9. Joint statement of France and the Netherlands

    France and the Netherlands intend to deepen and strengthen their bilateral relationship to defend our shared European values, and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 31-08-2021

  10. Government at a Glance

    Published every two years, Government at a Glance provides reliable, internationally comparable indicators on government ...

    Report | 09-07-2021