
258 search results

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  1. IOB Study - Linking Relief and Development - More than old solutions for old problems?

    The need to link relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) has been discussed for decades. Yet, in practice, there is little ...

    Report | 28-11-2013

  2. The Netherlands arms export policy in 2004

    Published by: The Ministry of Economic Affairs and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands Original title: ...

    Annual report | 09-11-2011

  3. Theory of Change - Security and Rule of Law (English, January 2023)

    This Theory of Change aims to help guide the work on Security and Rule of Law in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as shaped ...

    Publication | 26-01-2023

  4. Q&A's subsidy framework Contributing to Peaceful and Safe Societies 2024-2031

    Questions and answers on the Grant Policy Framework ‘Contributing to peaceful and safe societies 2024-2031’ (will be updated ...

    Question and answer

  5. Speech by minister Weerwind at the Martin Luther King lecture

    Speech by Minister for Legal Protection Franc Weerwind at the Martin Luther King lecture on 9 October in Amsterdam.

    Speech | 09-10-2023

  6. Mobilised private climate & biodiversity finance: 2021 report

    This report summarizes the mobilization of private (climate & biodiversity) finance for developing countries by Dutch public ...

    Report | 03-04-2022

  7. No More Food To Waste - case study brochure

    Publication | 12-06-2015

  8. Mid-term Evaluation of DGIS - IHE Delft Programmatic Cooperation 2016-2020 (DUPC2) in the field of international cooperation on water

    Report | 16-07-2018

  9. Evaluations of the MASSIF Fund and the Capacity Development Programme (FMO)

    The ministry of Foreign Affairs has provided a subsidy to the MASSIF fund and to a capacity development program (BCD), which are ...

    Report | 19-11-2020

  10. Am I at risk of automatically losing my Dutch citizenship? How can I make sure that doesn’t happen? – factsheet

    If you are a citizen of the Netherlands and you acquire citizenship from another country, or if you already hold citizenship of ...

    Leaflet | 30-04-2022